SPRING Troop Leadership SET
On Monday, Dec 4th we held our fall elections at the troop meeting. Congratulations to Tristan Collins, our SPL for the spring term! Also to our other scouts in leadership positions.
The spring leadership term runs from January through June. New troop leadership position holders and patrol leaders: mark your calendars for Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) on January 12-13.
Troop Positions
SPL - Tristan Collins
ASPL - Pranav Anil
ASPL - Ian Goben
ASPL - Nate Grim
ASPL - Max Lucas
OA Rep - John Casper
Webmaster - Guche Ikwu-Okoli
Scribe - Milo Bennet
Troop Guide - Myles Lucas
Troop Guide - Ethan Stribling
Troop Guide - Micah Godfrey
Troop Guide - Jackson Williams
Chaplain Aide - Gabe White
Quartermaster - Griffin Brown
Quartermaster - James Lodes
Quartermaster - Carter Alexander
Quartermaster - Timothy Schull
Outdoor Ethics Guide - Connor Coberly
Outdoor Ethics Guide - Adriel Nunez
Buglers - TBD
Patrol Positions
PL - Guche Ikwu-Okoli
APL - Collin Chao
PQM - Wesley Hughes
PL - Noah Whaley
APL - Prajwal Anil
PQM - Gabe White
PL - Zach Nelson
APL - Adriel Nunez
PQM - Timothy Schull
PL - Nate Pearcy
APL - Myles Lucas
PQM - Griffin Brown
Arctic Wolves, Nuclear Ninjas, Kraken, Bacon Dragons - It's probably time to merge. With the last of the Kraken and Bacon Dragons aging out this spring and all of you busy with high school, it would be good to elect a PL, APL, and PQM for the combined group.
Webelos woods 2023
Made from old pallets, the gaga pit turned into a mud pit later in the day after the on and off rain. We found out later, and just in time for the Tent or Treat judging, that the gaga pit was built over an old cemetery, and on a night just like Saturday, under a full moon, it was definitely haunted!
The troop won the award for Spookiest!
Newest T157 Eagle Scouts
Congratulations to new Eagle Scouts Jason Giordano and Aaron Robinson. Both completed their Eagle Board of Review on October 18th. Jason is T157 Eagle #216 and Aaron is Eagle #217.
UPDATE: Speakers & a K9 from TEXSAR will be at the 10/16 troop meeting, satisfying Requirement 6A.
For everyone that attended the Search & Rescue campout last weekend at Green Dickson, you are probably wondering what's left to complete the merit badge. There are a few requirements that you'll need to work on and discuss with your counselor, Mr. Moran.
One of those is completing an Incident Command System form for one of the two search scenarios we did on the campout. This PDF has the blank form, an example form for the first search scenario, and some notes on what happened in the scenario.
spencer brown eAGLE pROJECT Signup for SEP 16
We will be expanding the parking area at Crane Cottage, on behalf of the Texas Chautauqua Association. Snacks and pizza will be provided. Volunteers are asked to bring water bottles, work gloves, and shovels. Wheelbarrows would also be helpful.
When: Saturday, Sep 16 @ 8:30 am
Where: 710 Wonder Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
Aaron Robinson eAGLE pROJECT Signup for SEP 2 & 3
We will be building benches underneath a pergola for an outdoor learning area. We will also remove the dead grass and add a perimeter so we can fill the space with rock and mulch.
When: Saturday, Sep 2 @ 8:00 am - noon
Sunday, Sep 3 @ 9:00 am - noon
Where: Blackland Prairie Elementary | 2005 Via Sonoma Trail, Round Rock, TX 78665 |
What to bring : Day 1 - Shovel, rake, pick-axe, hoe, bucket, gloves | Day 2 - Drill, mallet
* Pizza and donuts will be provided
The project consisted of tearing down the old horse ramp and building a new heavy duty ramp out of pressure-treated 2x12x14s, 2x6x8 lumber and deck screws at the Ride On Center for Kids in Georgetown where it will be used as part of the horse therapy program.
Fire lane painting
Thanks to the nearly two dozen folks that turned out to help paint the fire curbs red at the church on July 10th. Nearly 10 gallons of red paint in, and there will still be more to do at some point in the future. Turns out there is a nation-wide shortage of fire lane paint. Who knew. So, if you missed your chance to get some red paint on you, we'll likely have another sessions at some point.
FALL Troop Leadership SET
Monday, May 15 we held our spring elections at the troop meeting. Congratulations to Jack Douglas, our SPL for the fall term! Also to our other scouts in leadership positions.
The fall leadership term runs from July through December. New troop leadership position holders and patrol leaders: mark your calendars for Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) on August 18-19.
Troop Positions
SPL – Jack Douglas
ASPL - Pranav Anil
ASPL - Hugh Bailey
ASPL - Micah Godfrey
ASPL - Max Lucas
Troop Quartermaster – Connor Coberly
Troop Quartermaster – Adriel Nunez
Troop Quartermaster – Zachary Nelson
Webmaster- Guche Ikwu-Okoli
Order of the Arrow Representative – John Casper
Troop Bugler – Ethan Fenske
Troop Bugler – Ben Reed
Troop Scribe – Carter Alexander
Instructor – Jason Giordano
Chaplain Aide – Ethan Stribling
Troop Historian – Nikesh Pandeya
Troop Guide – Nate Grim
Troop Guide – Griffin Brown
Troop Guide – Tristan Saeger
Outdoor Ethics Guide - Myles Lucas
Patrol Positions
Atomic Hawks
PL – Guche Ikwu-Okoli
APL – Ben Reed
PQM – Ethan Fenske
The Hydra
PL – Jackson Williams
APL – Ethan Stribling
PQM – Gabe White
Screamin' Eagles
PL – Tim Schull
APL – Carter Alexander
PQM – Zach Nelson
Flying Squirrels
PL – Tristan Collins
APL – Hugh Bailey
PQM – Nikesh Pandeya
Arctic Wolves
PL – Connor Kuntz
APL – Connor Coberly
PQM – Micah Godfrey
Nuclear Ninjas
Missing 50% for voting at 5/15 troop meeting: please discuss as a patrol and vote online.
Kraken/Stormtrooper/Flaming Biscuit/Bacon Dragon
Missing 50% for voting at 5/15 troop meeting: please discuss as a patrol and vote online and submit ideas for the merged patrol name.
Nate, Matthew, Matt, Jack (l-r)
Tuesday, May 9 the troop added FOUR new Eagle Scouts. Congratulations to the following scouts and their families and thanks to all who participated in the boards of review:
#212 Matthew Makar
#213 Nate Sullivan
#214 Matt Sullivan
#215 Jack Douglas
Order of the arrow ordeal MAY assembly
T157 was well represented at the May Ordeal with candidates and members serving on ceremonies teams and as Elangomats. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service to the new members.
Kayaking the san marcos River
May 5-7, 2023
May 5-7, 2023
Stay tuned for the Troop Historian recap.
If you have photos to contribute from the campout, put them here.
Some photos from the campout.
Order of the arrow call-out at 4/17 Meeting
Congratulations to the following for their election to the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's national camping honor society:
- Carter Alexander
- Pranav Anil
- Hugh Bailey
- Connor Coberly
- Nate Grim
- Matthew Hui
- Myles Lucas
- Hayden Muston
- Adriel Nunez
- Jackson Williams
- Mark Bailey
CAMPOREE - April 14-16
Spoiler alert - T157 brought home the blue ribbon!
going camping with t157?
Most campouts with the troop fall into the category of car camping -- you'll tent and eat with your patrol, we'll have the troop trailers and gear, and you won't have to carry your personal gear in a pack or canoe for the whole weekend. When we do those kinds of campouts, things are little different. The list below is what you need for a typical campout.
Tent (don't forget stakes and the rain fly) If you/your scout hasn't earned the First Class Rank yet, they'll be in a troop tent with other scouts in their patrol. They'll get these tents ready at the shakedown meeting on the Monday before the campout.
Sleeping bag, pad and/or blanket
Keys to sleeping warm when it's cold: wear a warm hat, change into clean, dry sleeping clothes, if you don't have a sleeping pad, a blanket helps insulate from the ground
Keys to sleeping cool when it's warm: bring a cotton sheet to lay over a sleeping bag (vs laying on a nylon sleeping bag). Roll up flaps on tents to encourage a breeze.
Class A Uniform (wear to and from the campout, at flags)
Extra clothes based on weather. (always nice to put on a clean t-shirt if it's been a sweaty day)
Good sturdy shoes - hiking boots and/or tennis shoes (Crocs are for going from a tent to the bathroom. That's about it. Flops are only for in a shower, not around the campsite.)
Warm clothes (shorts by day, jacket, warm hat -- even warm days can have cool evenings)
Rain jacket (always -- good for a windbreak too)
Hat with a brim for sun
Cup/spork/bowl for eating
Water bottle (with water!)
Small pack for carrying water bottle, sunscreen, etc. for hiking around
Flashlight, extra batteries
Scout Handbook (always!)
Pocketknife (especially if taking the Totin Chip safety class)
Camp chair (optional)
Pack your gear in a backpack or duffle bag. We're trying to get away from using footlockers for weekend campouts. Save them for summer camp.
Tents for scouts under First Class Rank
Chuckboxes (pots, pans, utensils, spices, cleaning supplies)
Dutch ovens
Gas stoves, propane
Water Jugs
Tarps/poles for building a cooking shelter
One last thing -- the T157 tradition is that if you go camping, at the Monday meeting after the campout you can wear a Class B t-shirt instead of the Class A uniform.